Storytime: Camping

I have a short break before my next set of storytimes, so I took a look at my old files and will start blogging some of the older themes I did pre-pandemic. Today’s is the very first theme I did on my own when I started as an early literacy librarian (I’d done some ad hoc before, but it wasn’t the main part of my job.) This is back in summer of 2019, and it’s kind of amazing to look and see how they’ve changed since then.

If I did these themes again, I probably would tweak, but I like getting them blogged as a record of what came before, and ideas, songs, rhymes, and props that I might reuse. I hope they may be helpful for you, too!

Back then, I had two storytimes: one for Babies & Toddlers ages 0-2, and a “Stories and More” preschool class for ages 3-5. I’ll indicate what was used in each program with a (B) for babies and a (P) for preschool. I also did not have a handout or do early literacy tips at this point. Cheers for the evolution and education I’ve achieved since then!

Welcome song: We Clap and Sing Hello* (B) (P)
*See lyrics for repeated songs on the Repeated Songs and Rhymes page

I read three books for the preschool class, which worked there, but I haven’t been able to do more than one with my current group of kids.
Read: Just Me & My Dad by Mercer Mayer (P)

Book cover

Action Song: I’m Going Camping (P)
(tune of I’m a Little Teapot)
I am going camping (point thumbs proudly to chest)
Time to pack (point to wrist)
My tent, my bedroll, and a snack (Make tent with hands; fold hands to cheek; pretend to eat)
I’ll sit by the campfire (warm hands over fire)
Its glow so bright (wiggle fingers like a fire)
Then snooze in my tent (pretend to snore)
‘Til the morning light! (arms circle over head)
Source: Lady Librarian’s Literacy, Lifestyle, and Lookbook Log

Counting Rhyme: Five Little Fireflies (B)
One little firefly shines very bright (hold up fingers)
Two little fireflies show their lights
Three little fireflies glimmer and glow
Four little fireflies watch them go!
Five little fireflies fly in the night
Blink! Blink! Blink! Blink! (open and close fingers)
My! What a sight!
Source: King County (WA) Library System

Read: Camping Day by Patricia Lakin (B) (P)

Book cover

Rhyme: Sleeping Bag (P)
I was lying in my sleeping bag
I couldn’t go to sleep
I looked at my watch and wanted to weep!
I rolled to my left
I rolled to my right
but all I could hear were noises in the night!
I hear an owl! Hoo hoo hoo!
(have the kids name some things you might hear in the middle of the night, out in the woods, in your backyard. Some good options include a dog, a bear, a wolf, etc)
Source: Sturgis Kids

I made cardstock paper props for this song and gave each family a packet with each item so they had something to put in the middle for each verse.
Action Song: The Campfire Pokey (B) (P)
You put your marshmallow in
You take your marshmallow out
You put your marshmallow in
And you shake it all about
You do the campfire pokey
And you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about: Yum, Yum!
Repeat with hot dog, potato, popcorn, or anything else that you can roast over the campfire.
Last verse:
You put your whole dinner in…
Source: What Happens in Storytime

Download a copy of the template here!

thumbnail of campfire pokey props, with a pan of popcorn, marshmallow on a stick, hot dog in a bun, and potato.

Read: Ruby’s Sleepover by Kathryn White & Miriam Latimer (P)

Book cover

Scarf Song: Popcorn Kernels (P)
(tune of Frère Jacques)
Popcorn kernels, popcorn kernels (wave overhead)
In the pot, in the pot (bunch up in fists)
Shake them, shake them, shake them / shake them, shake them, shake them (shake fists)
‘Til they POP, ‘til they POP (toss scarves up)
Source: Jbrary

This was a song my predecessor played at every single storytime program! It was well loved. We had a basket of unsharpened pencils in a bunch of different colors that they used as their sticks. The kids liked to find two of the same color.
Rhythm Stick Song: Tap Your Sticks by Hap Palmer (B) (P)
from the album Rhythms on Parade
see the video:

cover of the Rhythms on Parade album

Craft: Campfire (P)
Red, orange, and yellow squares of construction paper were glued to a black piece of construction paper, with two (regular) craft sticks glued crisscross underneath. Simple, but I like that there are some different materials and a 3D element in the sticks. Inspired by this craft at Once Upon a (Story) Time (photo credit to her blog, since I don’t have mine anymore!)

Centers/Playtime (B) (P)
We spent 5-10 minutes in playtime and socialization each storytime. The babies and toddlers had a couple of baskets full of baby toys – stackers and sorters and pull toys, cars and rattles and toy phones, that sort of thing. I’m not sure where the library got them, whether they purchased them or had donations or looked at yard sales. The preschool group had more complex or interactive toys like puzzles, musical instruments, finger puppets, and toys that I’ve seen on the Lakeshore Learning site that require just a bit more sophistication.

Parachute Time (B) (P)
I honestly forget what I did during parachute time! I think we practiced holding it high, low, shaking fast and slow, and maybe did a song like the Itsy Bitsy Spider. It’s been a long time and when I get out the parachute again I’ll have to re-learn how to do it!

Closing Rhyme: Tickle the Stars* (B) (P)

This storytime was presented in person on 6/18/19 & 6/20/19.


Early literacy librarian near Indianapolis, Indiana.

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