Preschool Storytime: Robots

Who doesn’t like robots? Especially cute ones in picture books!? I was actually surprised that I had a hard time finding a book appropriate for storytime that discussed actual robots and the things they could do. So many of them talk about robots in a very anthropomorphized way – “eating” nuts and bolts and so forth. That’s fine, if you already know what robots are and what they do, but I didn’t feel comfortable making that assumption about my kiddos. Thankfully, I found Robots, Robots, Everywhere, a board book that talks about robots on farms, in homes (Roomba, anyone?), undersea, in space, and more. It was a perfect introductory book, and after that we explored some more stories treating robots more fantastically!

You can see the virtual program that does not include the full books read aloud here.
See another version of this theme from 2023 here.

Early Literacy Tip: Writing is not just writing letters. Learning to scribble and draw are first steps to writing letters. Offer your children many opportunities to write throughout the day, from scribbling on paper, to making lists, to writing you a note.

Welcome Song: We Clap and Sing Hello

Discussion: What is a robot? It’s a machine that helps do things for people – sometimes it looks like a person, sometimes it doesn’t. It can help out in situations that may be too dangerous for people, or can do things more easily or quickly than people can. We’re going to pretend to be robots during storytime today – one thing that robots have is a button or switch to turn them on or off. Where would your robot button be? Mine is right here on my shoulder.

I saw a little note on Anne’s Library Life mentioning that she adapted one line of Open, Shut Them for her robot storytime, which inspired me to rewrite the whole thing!
Fingerplay: Open, Shut Them (Robot Style)
Open, shut them, Open, shut them
(make “pincers” with hands and open/shut)
Give a little bang, bang, bang (clap)
Open, shut them, Open, shut them
Press your button, clang, clang, clang! (touch pretend button)

Turn your gears now: fast, now slow (roll arms)
Blink your lights from high to low!
(hands “blink” open and shut, fingers splayed, moving downward)

Open, shut them, Open, shut them
Give a little zap, zap, zap (pointer fingers jab outward)
Open, shut them, Open, shut them
Power down now, just … like … that! (sit slowly)
Credit: adapted from the traditional rhyme by Ms. Emily

Read: Robots, Robots, Everywhere by Sue Fliess & Bob Staake

Action Song: The Robot
(tune of “Wheels on the Bus”)
The legs of the robot go up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
The legs of the robot go up and down,
As it walks around the room (march around like a robot)

Additional verses:
Head: goes side to side… // Arms: go back and forth…
Buttons: go beep, beep, beep…// Lights: flash on and off…
Voice: says “Does not compute”…// Feet: go clickity clack…
Antennas: go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle…
Credit: Northwest Regional Library System (OH)

Read: Boy + Bot by Ame Dyckman & Dan Yaccarino

Flannel Activity: Broken Bot
I liked Mr. Keith’s Daft Punk robot felt so much, I borrowed it whole cloth. This is another activity that probably would work best in-person, but I acted silly and imagined the reactions.The robot fell down and most of his parts came loose! Let me see if I can put it back together. (Ridiculously wrongly.) Oh, silly me, the head goes at the top, not the bottom! Thank you for helping!

Well, I did a not-so-good job of fixing that robot, so let’s take these other broken robots to a shop!
Flannel Rhyme: Five Little Robots
There are five little robots in the shop this week
This one’s fried and that one sprung a leak
Let’s give this one a look-see; we know just what to do!
And when this robot leaves the shop,
It will be as good as new!
(count down)
Credit: What Happens In Storytime Blog

Read: Beep! Beep! Go to Sleep! by Todd Tarpley & John Rocco

Action Song: If You’re a Robot and You Know It
If you’re a robot and you know it, clank your coils (clap, clap)
If you’re a robot and you know it, clank your coils
If you’re a robot and you know it
and you really want to show it
If you’re a robot and you know it, clank your coils

Additional verses:
…clunk your gears (stomp feet)
…press your buttons (“Beep beep”)
…do a dance (dance like a robot!)
Credit: Future Librarian Superhero

Action Song: I’m a Little Robot
(tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little robot, short and strong (muscle pose)
Here are my handles (hands on hips)
Just turn me on (push a “button”)
When I get all warmed up, watch me go (shake body)
Sometimes fast (march in place fast)
Sometimes slow (march in place slow)
Credit: AnnesLibraryLife

Craft: Felt Robot Friend
This was inspired by Rebecca at Sturdy for Common Things. I decided to use some stiff, thin felt which has glitter embedded on one side that we have (I think from Oriental Trading) instead of cardstock, and I was pretty happy with the results. Since these virtual storytimes are advertised as “family” storytimes for ages 0-6, I emphasized that this craft was not appropriate for kids under 3 and all kids needed adult supervision with the little pieces and sharp brads, even during play. I suggested using glue for kids who were too young to keep stuff out of their mouths. I was proud that I was able to get 8 sets out of 3 pieces of felt, using scraps and hole punches for potential buttons and levers.

Felt robot craft in blue, red, and orange, with gold brads holding on the arms and legs

I also suggested these alternative titles during the permanent YouTube video.
Stop! Bot!
by James Yang
Robot Zombie Frankenstein!
by Annette Simon
And the Robot Went…
by Michelle Robinson & Sergio Ruzzier

Closing Rhyme: Tickle the Stars

This storytime was presented virtually on 12/1/20.

Storytime Handout:

Image of handout with suggested books and rhymes & songs.


Early literacy librarian near Indianapolis, Indiana.

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